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In the 2022 election cycle, more than half of Texas counties had NO Democratic candidates and Democrats did not contest over 50 state legislative and State Board of Education seats.
Building the Candidate Pipeline
RECRUITING & candidate filing
OUR GOAL: Democratic candidates in every county & district
Blue Horizon is building a candidate pipeline, tracking current and prospective candidates in our mapping and database projects. Check out the latest on 2024 races.
2024 RACES - Interactive Map
map reflects filing as reported on the Texas Secretary of State website and "likely candidate" where we know someone is running but has not yet filed. Toggle between race categories (SBOE, Senate, House, County) in the menu at the top right of the map.
Interactive maps developed by volunteer fellows on our Bluebonnet Data Team.
To assist our candidate pipeline building, we have launched the Blue Horizon Texas Collaborative Research and Recruiting Database to collect information on all the offices Texans can run for and to track candidates as they file so we can support them right from the start.
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